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Tall 6-inch Christmas Tree & Lights Cake | 圣诞树翻糖蛋糕(6英寸加高)
RMB 460 / 6-inch cake

Quantity:       6-inch cake
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A peaceful and familiar Christmas scene - a beautiful Christmas tree and festive Christmas lights. With white fondant icing and all decorations are hand-crafted with buttercream frosting and marshmallow fondant. Please specify vanilla or chocolate cake under the "Special Instructions" section. Please order at least 3 days in advance. This cake is also available frosted with buttercream frosting (instead of fondant as pictured) for RMB 410.
Cake Base Type: Frosting Type: Fondant
Decoration Type: Buttercream + Fondant Sweetness Level(0 lowest-5 highest): 5
Size: 6-inch diameter X 4-inch height Suggested Serving Size: 12-18 servings
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copyright 2010 sweet ever after
沪ICP备 09003579号
sweet ever after ︱tel (21) 6255-5512︱fax (21) 6255-5513
14 YuYao Road Bldg 20 Unit 104.The New Factories,Shanghai,China
中国 上海市 静安区 余姚路 16号 20号楼 104室