tel (21) 6255-5512
open 9 am-5 pm︱closed on tuesdays

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Sweet Ever After is a Shanghai-based bakery that specializes in American-style cupcakes, cakes, muffins and other sweet treats with a knack for custom-designed cupcakes and cakes. We use only carefully selected imported and quality local ingredients and all of our treats are baked from scratch every day. None of our treats contain preservatives or additives.
Born of a life-long passion for baking and an environment ripe with opportunity, Sweet Ever After was founded in 2008 by Song, a Chinese-American transplant to Shanghai. Song developed her skills as a home baker while growing up in California. During her teens, her repertoire graduated from boxed cake mixes to an impressive array of cakes, cookies, biscuits and breads from scratch. Song’s favorite classes at Cornell Hotel School were in Food and Beverage. These classes provided her with the technical foundations for cooking and baking. Her skills were truly honed in the small apartment kitchens in cities she has lived including Singapore, Shanghai and Boston.
Song's work first brought her from Singapore to Shanghai in 2003. She returned to the US after several years to pursue an MBA. After graduating from Harvard Business School in 2007, she and her husband returned to Shanghai to settle down. Today, Sweet Ever After's most devoted customers and avid supporters are her husband and their two young children. Sweet Ever After is their creation together.

Sweet Ever After 是一个位于上海,专门烘制美式纸杯蛋糕、饼干和其它美式甜点的蛋糕坊。所有的产品都是当天烤制,当天出售。我们选用高等 优质的材料,例如法国进口巧克力、香港太古糖,美国菲力奶油芝士、好时可可粉等。我们的产品健康营养,不含任何防腐剂或添加剂。
基于对烘焙的强烈热爱,同时随着时机的成熟,Song (颂侬),一个移居上海的美籍华裔,于2008年创立了Sweet Ever After。Song 在美国加利福尼 亚长大,从小就热衷于烘焙,极具天赋的她,随着年龄的增长,烘焙技术也得到很大的进步。十几岁时,她就会烘制一系列蛋糕,饼干,面包等。 Song在康奈尔酒店学院时最喜欢的课程就是有关于餐饮食品制作,这些课程为她奠定了烹饪和烘培的专业基础。新加坡,上海,波士顿,不论 到哪,她都不忘在他公寓中的小厨房锻炼她烘焙的技能。
2003年,由于工作原因,她从新加坡来到了上海。两年后,她又返回美国继续深造,并获得哈佛商学院工商管理硕士学位;2007年毕业后, 她和她的未婚夫移居上海。现在上海是 Song 和她的丈夫的家,在这里他们共同创造了 Sweet Ever After。
copyright 2010 sweet ever after
沪ICP备 09003579号
sweet ever after ︱tel (21) 6255-5512︱fax (21) 6255-5513
14 YuYao Road Bldg 20 Unit 104.The New Factories,Shanghai,China
中国 上海市 静安区 余姚路 16号 20号楼 104室